1999 to 2004 Loven Album Family Albums Home


We've been taking self-portraits in front of our Christmas tree since 1985, although I don't think I was fully conscious of this being a significant family tradition until our daughter arrived seven years later. That was when we started framing them.

2003 2003

We're all holding presents, but one of them is bigger than the others. After putting almost 200,000 miles on her old one, Sue got a new car. That's the owner's manual in her lap.

This was also our first Christmas in the remodeled living room.

2002 2002

Noah's holding a reindeer that sings "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." It's from his grandma, of course.

2001 2001

Noah started kindergarten in September, but by Christmas he'd been moved up to first grade.

2000 2000

The tree looks the same in all of these pictures because it sort of is. We've always gotten Frasier firs.

1999 1999

My mom got Zoe an American Girl doll that looks just like her. She even got glasses the following year, right after Zoe did. Zoe's not very dollish generally, but her Girl is always dressed for the season.

NewTek had just hired me to write the SDK documentation for LightWave.

1998 1998

My mom bought Christmas vests for Noah, my dad, and me. I always wear mine when I dress up for the holidays now.

1997 1997

Zoe always enjoyed having her picture taken, but even after two years, it's hard to get Noah to sit still for one.

1996 1996

Noah's first Christmas. This was also the year of our first family trip to Disney World, and the year I created my first web page and sold my first plug-in to NewTek.

1995 1995

I'm in sweats because I have a cold or something, one of many minor illnesses Zoe brought home to me from daycare.

Sue seemed immune, but in the last few months of her pregnancy she'd had terrible indigestion. Noah was born a couple of weeks later.

1994 1994

You might notice the slight swelling under my left eye. About a month later I needed some surgery to fix that. We never figured out the cause.

1993 1993

Zoe's first Christmas. She fell in love with one of the tree ornaments, a gold and purple star. She took it off the tree and crawled away with it whenever she thought I wasn't looking.

1992 1992

I remember feeling like I hadn't slept in weeks. Zoe was born just a few days after this was taken.

1991 1991

We finished an upstairs bedroom that would become the nursery. Apparently the previous owner's kids had used the unfinished room for interesting forms of entertainment. A number of BB pellets fell out of the old insulation when we tore it down.

1990 1990

I'd just been awarded Phase I of my SBIR.

1989 1989

The big house project was the renovation of the basement. A few years later, when Zoe needed a bedroom, I moved my office down there.

1988 1988

Our first Christmas in the new house. During the previous ten months, I spent a lot of time with my father-in-law getting a crash course in home improvement and repair.

Notice we brought our living room curtains with us from the apartment.

1987 1987

On the day after Christmas, Sue found our house. We'd been searching since summer and I was pretty discouraged, so I had to be talked into going back to see it. We moved in two months later.

1986 1986

Sue's parents bought me an Amiga computer the previous spring, and by Christmas, I was doing odd jobs in computer graphics.

1985 1985

Our first Christmas as a married couple. Using a slice of the tree trunk and this picture, we made an ornament that's been on our tree ever since, even though we now barely recognize these young and blissfully ignorant people.