Scene Files

January 5, 2002

This document describes the LWSC version 3 file format for 3D scenes used by LightWave 6.0 and later. At the moment, it's an incomplete rough draft.

If you've worked with version 1 of the format (version 2 was an unreleased interim format), version 3 will seem quite familiar. Scene files are still text files containing keyword-value pairs. The most important difference is in the way keyframe data is stored, but obviously there are many others comprising features not available in LightWave prior to 6.0.

The first half of this document treats data units that can occur in scene files in a number of different contexts (envelopes and textures, for example). Most of these data units are stored on multiple lines. To make it easier to distinguish keywords from values, and to make the block structure of these multiline data units more apparent, keywords are shown in boldface type.

The data units in the second half are analogous to Layout commands (and in fact are treated in a similar way during scene loading). These are listed roughly in the order they typically occur in the scene file. The data types of the values (or arguments) are denoted by the initial letter, in bold. (The same letters are used in C printf formatting.)

An integer.
A floating-point number.
A string, such as a filename or channel name.
A hexadecimal number, such as an item identifier.

File References

Scene files don't contain the binary data defining objects, images or plug-ins. These are included in the scene by reference, using filenames and server names.

Filenames are written in a platform-neutral format. For absolute (fully qualified) paths, the first node represents a disk or similar storage device, and its name is separated from the rest of the path by a colon. Other nodes in the path are separated by forward slashes. disk:path/file is an absolute path, and path/subpath/file is a relative path. Relative paths are relative to the current content directory, a path set by the user and not explicitly written in the scene file. Relative paths allow the scene and the files it references to be moved easily to different file systems.

Plug-ins used by the scene are referenced by server name, the string that appears in the name field of the ServerRecord that every plug-in contains. Plug-ins can write their own data in scene files, in any format they like. This data almost always immediately follows the plug-in reference in the file, and it belongs to the plug-in. Its internals aren't part of the scene file format.

Item Numbers

When a scene file needs to refer to specific items to establish item relationships (parenting, for example), it uses item numbers. Items are numbered in the order in which they appear in the file, starting with 0.

Item numbers can be written in one of two ways, depending on which keyword they're used with. In general, if the type of the item (object, bone, light, camera) can be determined from the keyword alone, the item number will simply be the ordinal, written as a decimal integer. When the keyword can be used with items of more than one type, the item number is an unsigned integer written as an 8-digit hexadecimal string, the format produced by the C-language "%8X" print format specifier, and the high bits identify the item type.

The first hex digit (most significant 4 bits) of the hex item number string identifies the item type.

1 - Object
2 - Light
3 - Camera
4 - Bone

The other digits make up the item number, except in the case of bones. For bones, the next 3 digits (bits 16-27) are the bone number and the last 4 digits (bits 0-15) are the object number for the object the bone belongs to. Some examples:

10000000 - the first object
20000000 - the first light
4024000A - the 37th bone (24 hex) in the 11th object (0A hex)

Visibility and Color

In Layout's interface, users can set the visibility of each item individually, and when items are displayed as wireframes, they can choose the wireframe color from a table. For items other than objects, visibility is either on (1) or off (0), but for objects, the state can be any of the following.

0 - hidden
1 - bounding box
2 - vertices only
3 - wireframe
4 - front face wireframe
5 - shaded solid
6 - textured shaded solid

The available colors and their indexes are

Scene color indexes

(Astute readers comparing this color table to the one for the SDK's ItemColor command will note that the light and dark color indexes are interchanged in the two tables.)

The default visibility and color are stored in the LightWave configuration file. Unless this has been altered, objects are drawn as textured shaded solids (6) and their wireframe color is cyan (3). Lights are magenta (5), cameras are green (2), and bones are dark blue (9).


Information in a scene file is organized into blocks, the ASCII text analog of the chunks described in the IFF specification. Each block consists of an identifier or name followed by some data. The format of the data is determined by the block name. Block names resemble C-style identifiers. In particular, case is significant, and they don't contain spaces or most other non-alphanumeric characters.

A single-line block is delimited by the newline that terminates the line. Multiline blocks are delimited by curly braces (the { and } characters, ASCII codes 123 and 125). The name of a multiline block follows the opening curly brace on the same line. The curly brace and the name are separated by a single space. The data follows on one or more subsequent lines. Each line of data is indented using two spaces. The closing brace is on a line by itself and is not indented.

Individual data elements are separated from each other by a single space. String data elements are enclosed in double quotes and may contain spaces.

Blocks can be nested. In other words, the data of a block can include other blocks. A block that contains nested blocks is always a multiline block. At each nesting level, the indention of the data is incremented by two additional spaces.

   SingleLineBlock data
   { MultiLineBlock
     { NestedMultiLineBlock


An envelope defines a function of time. For any animation time, an envelope's parameters can be combined to generate a value at that time. Envelopes are used to store position coordinates, rotation angles, scale factors, camera zoom, light intensity, texture parameters, and anything else that can vary over time.

The envelope function is a piecewise polynomial curve. The function is tabulated at specific points, called keys. The curve segment between two adjacent keys is called a span, and values on the span are calculated by interpolating between the keys. The interpolation can be linear, cubic, or stepped, and it can be different for each span. The value of the function before the first key and after the last key is calculated by extrapolation.

In scene files, an envelope is stored in a block named Envelope that contains one or more nested Key blocks and one Behaviors block.

   { Envelope
     Key value time spantype p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6
     Key ...
     Behaviors pre post
     { ChannelHandler

The nkeys value is an integer, the number of Key blocks in the envelope. Envelopes must contain at least one Key block. The contents of a Key block are as follows.

The key value, a floating-point number. The units and limits of the value depend on what parameter the envelope represents.
The time in seconds, a float. This can be negative, zero or positive. Keys are listed in the envelope in increasing time order.
The curve type, an integer. This determines the kind of interpolation that will be performed on the span between this key and the previous key, and also indicates what interpolation parameters are stored for the key.

0 - TCB (Kochanek-Bartels)
1 - Hermite
2 - 1D Bezier (obsolete, equivalent to Hermite)
3 - Linear
4 - Stepped
5 - 2D Bezier

Curve parameters. The data depends on the span type.
TCB, Hermite, 1D Bezier
The first three parameters are tension, continuity and bias. The fourth and fifth parameters are the incoming and outgoing tangents. The sixth parameter is ignored and should be 0. Use the first three to evaluate TCB spans, and the other two to evaluate Hermite spans.
2D Bezier
The first two parameters are the incoming time and value, and the second two are the outgoing time and value.

The Behaviors block contains two integers.

pre, post
Pre- and post-behaviors. These determine how the envelope is extrapolated at times before the first key and after the last one.
0 - Reset
Sets the value to 0.0.
1 - Constant
Sets the value to the value at the nearest key.
2 - Repeat
Repeats the interval between the first and last keys (the primary interval).
3 - Oscillate
Like Repeat, but alternating copies of the primary interval are time-reversed.
4 - Offset Repeat
Like Repeat, but offset by the difference between the values of the first and last keys.
5 - Linear
Linearly extrapolates the value based on the tangent at the nearest key.

The Behaviors block can optionally be followed by one or more ChannelHandler blocks. Each of these contains the name of the plug-in and its private data.

The source code in the sample/envelope directory of the LightWave plug-in SDK demonstrates how envelopes are evaluated.

The presence of an envelope can be signified in several different ways. The Channel block within motion data, described in the next section, is always followed by the envelope for that channel. If a parameter value is listed in a single-line block, the value of the parameter may be written as the string "(envelope)". And in multiline blocks, one of the lines may be an envelope count, which will be followed by one or more envelopes if the count is non-zero.

This document will use "[e]" to indicate the possible presence of an envelope for all of these cases.

Motion Data

Item motion data is stored as a set of envelopes. Each envelope is preceeded by a Channel block identifying the motion channel, and the channels are preceeded by a single NumChannels block containing the number of envelopes.

   NumChannels 9
   Channel 0
   Channel 1

The Channel indexes are

0, 1, 2 - (x, y, z) position
3, 4, 5 - (heading, pitch, bank) rotation
6, 7, 8 - (sx, sy, sz) scale factors along each axis

NumChannels is usually 6 for cameras (since scaling cameras isn't meaningful) and 9 for other item types. If the item has a parent, the values in the envelopes are relative to the parent.

LightWave coordinates are left-handed, with Y up. Heading is rotation around Y, pitch is rotation around X, and bank is rotation around Z. All rotations are positive clockwise when viewed from the positive side of the rotation axis. Given matrices P, H and B representing rotation around each axis,

1 0 0
P = 0 cos p sin p
0 -sin p cos p

cos h 0 -sin h
H = 0 1 0
sin h 0 cos h

cos b sin b 0
B = -sin b cos b 0
0 0 1

the transformation matrix M,

M = B P H

combines the rotations. To get the rotated point (x', y', z') from (x, y, z),

x' = M00 x + M10 y + M20 z
y' = M01 x + M11 y + M21 z
z' = M02 x + M12 y + M22 z

or simply

p' = M p

where column vector p = (x, y, z). The rows of M are the +X, +Y, +Z direction vectors for the item in world coordinates.


Still images, image sequences and animation files are collectively called clips. Clips are used in textures and as background plates and spotlight filters, among other things. Clip references in scene files are stored in Clip blocks. The first block in a Clip is the source block containing information specific to the kind of clip it is, and following this are blocks for parameters that all clip types can share.

Still Image
{ Clip
  { Still

The source is a single still image referenced by a filename in platform-neutral format.

Image Sequence
{ Clip
  { Sequence

The source is a numbered sequence of still image files. Each filename contains a fixed number (ndigits) of decimal digits that specify a frame number, along with a prefix (the part before the frame number, which includes the path) and a suffix (the part after the number, typically a PC-style extension that identifies the file format). The prefix and suffix are the same for all files in the sequence.

The flags include bits for looping and interlace. The offset is added to the current frame number to obtain the digits of the filename for the current frame. The start and end values define the range of frames in the sequence.

{ Clip
  { Animation

The source is a file loaded by an animation loader plug-in, typically an AVI, QuickTime or MPEG file. The server-name is the name of the loader plug-in. Any data after flags in the Animation block belongs to the plug-in.

Reference (Clone)
{ Clip
  { Reference

A reference clip is a clone of one of the other clip types. It shares the identifying information in the original clip but may have different image processing blocks following the type header.

The id-string is a machine-generated string that uniquely identifies the clone. The name is the scene name of the original clip as it appears to the user. For stills and animation files, it's the filename without the path. For image sequences, it's the filename prefix, without the path, followed by (sequence). The filename is the name of the file for stills and animations and the name of the first file in the sequence for sequences.

The index refers to the clip's position in LightWave's internal image list at the time the scene was saved. This isn't particularly meaningful in scene files.

Blocks after the source block contain image processing parameters. Most of these include an enveloped value indicating the number of Envelope blocks that immediately follow it. If the parameter is enveloped, its static value is ignored during rendering, but it remains the value that will be assigned to the parameter if the envelope is removed.

Times start duration rate r1 r2

Defines source times for an animated clip.

{ Contrast

RGB levels are altered in proportion to their distance from 0.5. Positive deltas move the levels toward one of the extremes (0.0 or 1.0), while negative deltas move them toward 0.5. The default is 0.

{ Brightness

The delta is added to the RGB levels. The default is 0.

{ Saturation

The saturation of an RGB color is defined as (max - min)/max, where max and min are the maximum and minimum of the three RGB levels. This is a measure of the intensity or purity of a color. Positive deltas turn up the saturation by increasing the max component and decreasing the min one, and negative deltas have the opposite effect. The default is 0.

{ Hue

The hue of an RGB color is an angle defined as

r is max: 1/3 (g - b)/(r - min)
g is max: 1/3 (b - r)/(g - min) + 1/3
b is max: 1/3 (r - g)/(b - min) + 2/3

with values shifted into the [0, 1] interval when necessary. The levels between 0 and 1 correspond to angles between 0 and 360 degrees. The hue delta rotates the hue. The default is 0.

Gamma Correction
{ Gamma

Gamma correction alters the distribution of light and dark in an image by raising the RGB levels to a small power. By convention, the gamma is stored as the inverse of this power. A gamma of 0.0 forces all RGB levels to 0.0. The default is 1.0.

Negative on-off

If non-zero, the RGB values are inverted, (1.0 - r, 1.0 - g, 1.0 - b), to form a negative of the image.

Plug-in Image Filters
{ ImageFilterHandler

Plug-in image filters can be used to pre-filter an image before rendering. The filter has to be able to exist outside of the special environment of rendering in order to work here (it can't depend on functions or data that are only available during rendering). Filters are given by a server name, an enable flag, and optional data that belong to the plug-in.

Plug-in Pixel Filters
{ PixelFilterHandler

Pixel filters may also be used as clip modifiers, and they are stored and used in a way that is exactly like image filters.


Mathematically, a texture is simply a function of three variables, usually the x, y and z coordinates of a point in space. Conceptually, a texture is an image mapping, using prerendered images, 2D or 3D images generated procedurally, or some combination. Scene files record textures used for clip mapping, displacement mapping and volumetric lights. Textures are also used extensively to modulate surface parameters, but surfaces are stored in object files.

A texture comprises one or more texture layers. Each layer can be an image map, a procedural, or a gradient, and each has its own mapping between texture and world coordinates. Layers are combined using a blending method set for each layer.

In scene files, a texture is stored in a block named TextureBlock that contains one or more nested Texture blocks representing each layer. A Texture block contains a header block, with parameters common to all layer types, followed by a list of attributes or parameters. The name of the header block identifies the layer type and can be ImageMap, Procedural or Gradient. For image maps and procedurals, the trailing attribute list includes a mapping block describing the projection. In outline form,

A simple texture containing a single image map layer would look like this.

   { TextureBlock
     { Texture
       { ImageMap
         Channel 1954051186
         { Opacity
         Enable 1
         Negative 0
       { TextureMap
         { Center
           0 0 0
         { Size
           1 1 1
         { Rotation
           0 0 0
         { Falloff
           0 0 0
         RefObject "(none)"
         Coordinates 0
       Projection 0
       Axis 2
       { Image
         { Clip
           { Still
       WrapOptions 1 1
       { WidthWrap
       { HeightWrap
       AntiAliasing 1 1
       PixelBlending 1

As you read through this, it helps to keep the heirarchical structure firmly in mind. The texture (TextureBlock) contains one layer (Texture), and this is stored in three parts: the header (ImageMap), the mapping (TextureMap) and the attribute list (Projection, Axis, WrapOptions, Antialiasing and PixelBlending).

Texture Header
{ layer-type
  Channel 1954051186
  { Opacity
  Enable on-off
  Negative on-off

The layer type can be ImageMap, Procedural or Gradient. The number after the Channel keyword is just the four characters 'txtr' written as an unsigned integer in big-endian byte order. It isn't particularly meaningful. The opacity value is used to blend this layer with the others. If Enable is 0, the layer won't participate in the calculation of the texture value.

The ordinal determines this layer's place in the order of evaluation of the layers. Internally, the ordinal is an arbitrary-length byte string, with each byte representing a digit in a base-255 fraction. Ordinals are compared using the standard C runtime function strcmp. In scene files, each byte is written as a signed 8-bit integer, and bytes are delimited by parentheses.

To understand how LightWave uses these, imagine that instead of strings, it used floating-point fractions as the ordinals. Whenever LightWave needed to insert a new layer between two existing layers, it would find the new ordinal for the inserted layer as the average of the other two, so that a layer inserted between ordinals 0.5 and 0.6 would have an ordinal of 0.55.

But floating-point ordinals would limit the number of insertions to the (fixed) number of bits used to represent the mantissa. Ordinal strings are infinite-precision fractions written in base 255, using the ASCII values 1 to 255 as the digits (0 isn't used, since it's the special character that marks the end of the string).

Ordinals can't end on a 1, since that would prevent arbitrary insertion of other layers. A trailing 1 in this system is like a trailing 0 in decimal, which can lead to situations like this,

   0.5    "\x80"
   0.50   "\x80\x01"

where there's no daylight between the two ordinals for inserting another layer.

Texture Mapping
{ TextureMap
  { Center
    x y z
  { Size
    x y z
  { Rotation
    heading pitch bank
  { Falloff
    x y z
  RefObject object-name
  Coordinates coord-system

The texture mapping block describes the mapping from object or world space to texture space. The defaults for the center and rotation components are 0, and for size they're 1.0.

Texture effects may fall off with distance from the texture center. The (x y z) falloff vector represents a rate per unit distance along each axis. The type can be

0 - Cubic
Falloff is linear along all three axes independently.
1 - Spherical
Falloff is proportional to the Euclidean distance from the center.
2 - Linear X
- Linear Y
- Linear Z
Falloff is linear only along the specified axis. The other two vector components are ignored.

RefObject specifies a reference object for the texture. The reference object is given by name, and the scene position, rotation and scale of the object are combined with the layer's mapping parameters to compute the texture mapping. If the object name is "(none)" or the RefObject block is missing, no reference object is used.

The coordinate system can be 0 for object coordinates (the default if the block is missing) or 1 for world coordinates.

Parameters specific to each layer type are listed in blocks after the header and mapping blocks.

Image Maps

Texture blocks with a header type of ImageMap are image mapped layers.

Projection Mode
Projection mode

The projection defines how 2D coordinates in the image are transformed into 3D coordinates in the scene. In the following list of projections, image coordinates are called r (horizontal) and s (vertical).

0 - Planar
The image is projected on a plane along the major axis (specified in the Axis block). r and s map to the other two axes.
1 - Cylindrical
The image is wrapped cylindrically around the major axis. r maps to longitude (angle around the major axis).
2 - Spherical
The image is wrapped spherically around the major axis. r and s map to longitude and latitude.
3 - Cubic
Like Planar, but projected along all three axes. The dominant axis of the geometric normal selects the projection axis for a given surface spot.
4 - Front Projection
The image is projected on the current camera's viewplane. r and s map to points on the viewplane.
5 - UV
r and s map to points (u, v) defined for the geometry using a vertex map (identified in the VertexMap block).
Major Axis
Axis axis

The major axis used for planar, cylindrical and spherical projections. The value is 0, 1 or 2 for the X, Y or Z axis.

Image Map
{ Image
  { Clip ...

The Image block contains a Clip block.

Image Wrap Options
WrapOptions wopt hopt

Specifies how the color of the texture is derived for areas outside the image.

0 - Reset
Areas outside the image are assumed to be black. The ultimate effect of this depends on the opacity settings. For an additive texture layer on the color channel, the final color will come from the preceding layers or from the base color of the surface.
1 - Repeat
The image is repeated or tiled.
2 - Mirror
Like repeat, but alternate tiles are mirror-reversed.
3 - Edge
The color is taken from the image's nearest edge pixel.

If no wrap options are specified, 1 is assumed.

Image Wrap Amount
{ WidthWrap
{ HeightWrap

For cylindrical and spherical projections, these parameters control how many times the image repeats over each full interval.

UV Vertex Map
VertexMap vmapname

For UV projection, which depends on texture coordinates at each vertex, this selects the name of the TXUV vertex map that contains those coordinates. (Since vertex maps associate values with object vertices, they're stored in object files.)

Antialiasing enabled strength

The texture antialiasing strength is proportional to the width of the sample filter, so larger values sample a larger area of the image. Texture antialiasing is enabled by default, and the default strength is 1.0.

Pixel Blending
PixelBlending enabled

Pixel blending enlarges the sample filter when it would otherwise be smaller than a single image map pixel. This blurs the pixelated appearance of textures that are too close to the camera.

Sticky Projection
StickyProjection enabled time

The "sticky" or fixed projection time for front projection image maps. When on, front projections will be fixed at the given time.

Texture Amplitude
{ TextureAmplitude

Appears in image texture layers used for bump mapping. Texture amplitude scales the bump height derived from the pixel values. The default is 1.0.

Procedural Textures

Texture blocks of type Procedural are procedural textures that modulate a value algorithmically.

Axis axis

If the procedural has an axis, it may be defined with this chunk using a value of 0, 1 or 2.

Basic Value
TextureValue value

Procedurals are often modulations between the current channel value and another value, given here. This may be a scalar or a vector.

Algorithm and Parameters
{ Func

The Func block names the procedural and stores its parameters. The name will often map to a plug-in name. The variable-length data following the name belongs to the procedural.

Gradient Textures

Texture blocks of type Gradient are gradient textures that modify a value by mapping an input parameter through an arbitrary transfer function. Gradients are represented to the user as a line containing keys. Each key is a color, and the gradient function is an interpolation of the keys in RGB space. The input parameter selects a point on the line, and the output of the texture is the value of the gradient at that point.

Parameter Name
ParamName param-name

The input parameter. Possible values include

"Previous Layer"
"Incidence Angle"
"Light Incidence"
"Distance to Camera"
"Distance to Object"
"X Distance to Object"
"Y Distance to Object"
"Z Distance to Object"
"Weight Map"

Item Name
ItemName item-name

The name of a scene item. This is used when the input parameter is derived from a property of an item in the scene.

Gradient Range
GradStart start-frame
GradEnd end-frame

The start and end of the input range. These values only affect the display of the gradient in the user interface. They don't affect rendering.

Repeat Mode
GradRepeat repeat-mode

The repeat mode. This is currently undefined and set to 0 by default.

Key Values
KeyFloats input r g b a (input r g b a...)

The transfer function is defined by an array of keys, each with an input value and an RGBA output vector. Given an input value, the gradient can be evaluated by selecting the keys whose positions bracket the value and interpolating between their outputs. If the input value is lower than the first key or higher than the last key, the gradient value is the value of the closest key.

Key Parameters
KeyInts interpolation (interpolation...)

An array of integers defining the interpolation for the span preceding each key. Possible values include

0 - Linear
1 - Spline
2 - Step

File Structure



FirstFrame nfirst
LastFrame nlast
FrameStep nstep
The frame range and step size for rendering. In the simplest case, the first frame and frame step are 1, and the last frame is the number of frames to be rendered.
PreviewFirstFrame nfirst
PreviewLastFrame nlast
PreviewFrameStep nstep
The frame range and step size for previewing. These may be unrelated to the values for rendering. They also control the visible ranges of certain interface elements, for example the frame slider in the main window.
CurrentFrame nframe
The frame displayed in the interface when the scene is loaded.
FramesPerSecond gframes
This controls the duration of each frame.


LoadObjectLayer nlayer sfilename
ShowObject nvisibility ncolor
Begins a group of statements about an object. The layer number is the index recorded in the LAYR chunk of the object file.
The object's motion data follows this line.
UseBonesFrom nindex
Use the bones associated with the object given by the index.
Plugin sclass nlistpos sname
Lists an object plug-in. Classes include CustomObjHandler, DisplacementHandler, ItemMotionHandler, and ObjReplacementHandler. The listpos is a 1-based index into the class-specific plug-in list for the object. The list order generally determines the evaluation order. The name is the plug-in's server name. Any number of lines can occur between Plugin and EndPlugin. These contain data that belongs to the plug-in.
MorphAmount gamount [e]
MorphTarget nindex
MorphSurfaces non-off
MTSEMorphing non-off
Morphing displaces vertices by interpolating between their positions in source and target objects. The amount normally varies between 0.0 and 1.0, and it may be enveloped. The target is identified by object index. If MorphSurfaces is on, the source and target surface colors are blended.

MTSE is an acronym for Multiple Target Single Envelope. If this is turned on, the morph amount envelope of the base object (the first source) can control morphing between a chain of targets. Amounts between 0.0 and 1.0 morph between the base and its target, amounts between 1.0 and 2.0 morph between the first target and its target, and so on. Surface morphing ignores MTSE.

DisplacementMaps [t]
ClipMaps [t]
Displacement maps deform the object by displacing its vertices. Clip maps are used to stencil out, or clip, portions of the object's geometry.
ObjectDissolve gamount [e]
Dissolve makes the object transparent, and 100% dissolve (an amount of 1.0) removes it from rendering calculations altogether. This effect is distinct from surface transparency.
DistanceDissolve non-off
MaxDissolveDistance gdistance
The dissolve amount can be a function of distance, in which case the ObjectDissolve amount is ignored. The max distance is the distance at which the dissolve will be 1.0.
ParticleSize gsize [e]
LineThickness gpixels
ParticleThickness gpoints glines
AffectedByFog gamount
Each object can be affected differently by the global fog setting. The default amount is 1.0.
UnseenByRays non-off
If this is on, the object will not participate in reflection, refraction or radiosity raytracing. (It may still cast raytraced shadows.)
UnseenByCamera non-off
Turning this on is equivalent to fully dissolving the object. It won't participate in rendering, but it can still be seen and manipulated in preview windows.
ShadowOptions nflags
Shadow option bit flags, combined using bitwise-or.

1 - self shadow
2 - cast shadow
4 - receive shadow

ExcludeLight xlight
Excludes the specified light from shading and shadow calculations for the object. The light ID can include special values used to indicate radiosity (21000000) and caustics (22000000).
PolygonEdgeFlags nflags
Edge option bit flags, combined using bitwise-or. These flags control the rendering of different types of edges.
1 - Silhouette Edges
Drawn at the border between the object and its background.
2 - Unshared Edges
Drawn where two surfaces meet, but the polygons don't share an edge.
4 - Sharp Creases
Drawn at abrupt changes in surface normal.
8 - Surface Borders
Drawn at the shared edge of two polygons with different surfaces.
16 - Other Edges
Drawn at polygon edges not meeting one of the other criteria.
PolygonEdgeThickness gsilhouette gunshared gsharp gsurface gother
The pixel thickness of each edge type. The default is 1.0.
PolygonEdgeColor gred ggreen gblue
The color of all edges.
PolygonEdgesZScale gscale
LightWave slightly scales the z-depth of edge pixels so that they are always in front of (or on top of) the polygons they belong to. The default scale factor is 0.998.
EdgeNominalDistance gdistance
If this is present, the edge thickness will vary inversely with distance. The distance value is the distance at which the thickness will be equal to the PolygonEdgeThickness.

Global Illumination


AmbientColor gred ggreen gblue
AmbientIntensity gintensity [e]
Color and intensity of the ambient light.
EnableRadiosity non-off
RadiosityType ntype
RadiosityIntensity gintensity [e]
The default intensity is 1.0. The type is one of the following.

0 - Backdrop Only
1 - Monte Carlo
2 - Interpolated

RadiosityTolerance gtolerance
RadiosityRays nrays
RadiosityMinSpacing gdistance
These control radiosity sampling. The renderer typically doesn't fire radiosity rays for every pixel in the image. Nearby spots with similar surface normals can be assigned an incident radiosity level by interpolation. Tolerance is an arbitrary factor controlling the frequency of full radiosity evaluations. It ranges between 0 and 1, with a default of 0.3. A value of 0 forces full evaluation. For non-zero tolerances, the minimum spacing forces interpolation in small areas with frequent large changes in surface normal. The default is 0.02 meters. The maximum spacing is 100 times the minimum.

Currently the number of rays must be equal to 3n2 for an integer n between 1 and 16. Rays are fired in a hemispherical sampling pattern with n latitudes and 3n longitudes, and the number of rays is presented to the user in the form "n x 3n."

EnableCaustics non-off
CausticIntensity gintensity [e]
CausticAccuracy nrays
CausticSoftness nsoftness
The number of rays fired for caustics can range from 0 to 10000. The default is 100, and the default softness is 20.



LightName sname
ShowLight nvisibility ncolor
These begin a group of statements about a light.
The light's motion data follows this line.
LightColor gred ggreen gblue [e]
LightIntensity gintensity [e]
The color and intensity of the light.
AffectCaustics non-off
Controls whether the light participates in caustics calculations.
LightType ntype
The type can be

0 - Distant
1 - Point
2 - Spot
3 - Linear
4 - Area

LightFalloffType ntype
LightRange grange
The falloff type and range (or nominal distance). For each type, the intensity falloff is proportional to the listed expression for a given range r and actual distance d.

0 - No falloff
1 - Linear: (r - d) / r, for d < r
2 - Inverse: r / d
3 - Inverse Squared: (r / d)2

LightConeAngle gangle [e]
LightEdgeAngle gangle [e]
The cone and soft edge angles for spotlights.
VolumetricLighting non-off
{ Volumetrics
  { Options
    Flags n n n n n n n
    Sprite non-off nquality
    Dissolve gdissolve [e]
    Shadow gamount [e]
    Radius gradius [e]
    Base gdistance [e]
    Height gheight [e]
    Luminosity glevel [e]
    Opacity glevel [e]
    Attenuation glevel [e]
    RedShift gamount [e]
    Density gdensity [e]
    Color gred ggreen gblue [e]
Volumetric settings for the light. The first two flags are reserved, but following them in order are booleans for the following features.

Opacity Casts Shadows
Fade In Fog
Specify Medium Color (use the color of the medium given in Color)
Enable Texture
Texture Only

When Sprite mode is off, the quality is a number between 0 (low) and 4.

LensFlare non-off
FlareIntensity gintensity
FlareNominalDistance gdistance
FlareDissolve gdissolve [e]
LensFlareFade nflags
LensFlareOptions nflags
FlareRingColor gred ggreen gblue
FlareRingSize gsize
FlareDistortFactor gdistort
FlareStarFilter ntype
FlareRotationAngle gangle
FlareRandStreakInt gintensity
FlareRandStreakDens gdensity
FlareRandStreakSharp gsharpness
ShadowType ntype
ShadowColor gred ggreen gblue
CacheShadowMap non-off
ShadowMapSize nsize
UseConeAngle non-off
ShadowMapAngle gangle [e]
ShadowFuzziness gfuzz



CameraName sname
ShowCamera nvisibility ncolor
NumChannels nchannels
Channel nindex
ZoomFactor (envelope)
ResolutionMultiplier gfactor
FrameSize nwidth nheight
PixelAspect gaspect
MaskPosition nx ny nwidth nheight
MotionBlur ntype
FieldRendering non-off
ReverseFields non-off
BlurLength gframes (envelope)
LimitedRegion non-off
RegionLimits gx0 gx1 gy0 gy1
ApertureHeight gheight
Antialiasing ntype
EnhancedAA non-off
FilterType ntype
AdaptiveSampling non-off
AdaptiveThreshold gthreshold



FGAlphaImage (clip)
FGDissolve gdissolve (envelope)
FGFaderAlphaMode non-off
ForegroundKey non-off
LowClipColor gred ggreen gblue
HighClipColor gred ggreen gblue
SolidBackdrop non-off
BackdropColor gred ggreen gblue
ZenithColor gred ggreen gblue
SkyColor gred ggreen gblue
GroundColor gred ggreen gblue
NadirColor gred ggreen gblue
Plugin sclass nlistpos sserver
FogType ntype
FogMinDistance gdistance
FogMaxDistance gdistance
FogMinAmount gamount
FogMaxAmount gamount
FogColor gred ggreen gblue
BackdropFog non-off
LimitDynamicRange non-off
DitherIntensity ndither
AnimatedDither non-off
Saturation glevel (envelope)
GlowEffect non-off
GlowIntensity gintensity [e]
GlowRadius gradius [e]

Rendering and Interface


RenderMode nmode
RayTraceEffects nflags
DataOverlayLabel slabel
ViewConfiguration nview
DefineView nview
ViewType ntype
ViewAimpoint gx gy gz
ViewRotation gheading gpitch gbank
ViewZoomFactor gzoom
GridNumber nnumber
GridSize gsize
CameraViewBG non-off
ShowMotionPath non-off
ShowFogRadius non-off
ShowFogEffect non-off
ShowSafeAreas non-off
ShowFieldChart non-off
CurrentLight nindex
CurrentCamera nindex